Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Won’t Hatch By Shel Silverstein

Oh I am a chickie who lives in an egg,
But I will not hatch, I will not hatch.
The hens they all cackle, the roosters all beg,
But I will not hatch, I will not hatch.
For I hear all the talk of pollution and war
As the people all shout and the airplanes roar,
So I’m staying in here where it’s safe and it’s warm,

This is a smart little chikie who won't hatch. This chick know that their is bad pollution and war. That is a smart chikie I tell you.

The feeling in this poem is angry. I say angry because everyone want the chick to hatch. But the chick doesn't want to hatch he is to smart he is angry that the people are trying to force him to hatch.

The shift in this poem is when the chick gives the reasons to why he wont hatch. The reason the shift is here is beacause the chick is not just saying he don't want to he is giving reasons.

I like this poem because it talks about whats happening now in days about pollution war...etc.. Also it show that chicks are smarter than us they now what's happening and a lot of us don't.

Yes I would recommend this poem to people. The reason I mostly for the humor. But also because its written by Shel Silverstein.

The Battle

Would you like to hear
Of the terrible night
When I bravely fought the—
All right.

This is when you want to tell people very exiting new and then they say... NO. Which I don't like it when people do that because it makes me sad :   (. Also its just plain rude.

The feelings in this are happy and sad. I say happy because they have something to share. Also sad because the person said no.

The shift to me is when the person says " NO".  Because it changes the whole story.

My opinion on on this poem is that it is funny. Also a bit sad because the person don't want to hear the story.

Yes I would love to share this with my friends. It is a really good poem.

My Rules

If you want to marry me, here’s what you’ll have to do:
You must learn how to make a perfect chicken-dumpling stew.
And you must sew my holey socks,
And soothe my troubled mind,
And develop a knack for scratching my back,
And keep my shoes spotlessly shined.
And while I rest you must rake up the leaves,
And when it is hailing and snowing
You must shovel the walk… and be still when I talk,
And—hey—where are you going?

This is a really funny poem. If someone wants to marry this guy, well they got a lot of work to do. I know I wouldnt wan tto marry him.

The feelings in this are confident and surprised. This dude is really confident for saying all this stuff to this girl. Aso he is probably surprised because she walked out on him... hehehe :   ).

The shift is when she walks out on him and he says " hey-- were are you going? Because he really didn't expect that. Also it turned the whole story around.

My opinion on this poem is that before guys start saying all these things... read this poem. Also see what this girl does... ya that could happen to you.

I might recommend this to my friend. But probably not...

For Sale

One sister for sale!
One sister for sale!
One crying and spying young sister for sale!
I’m really not kidding,
So who’ll start the bidding?
Do I hear the dollar?
A nickel?
A penny?
Oh, isn’t there, isn’t there, isn’t there any
One kid that will buy this old sister for sale,
This crying and spying young sister for sale?

This is what a normal brother would do. Try to sell you. Especially if you're younger. He would do this so thta he would;nt have to take care of you.

The feelings in this to me are exited, happy, and frustrated. The reason I say exited and happy is because... he wants to sell yuo and is exited to do it. Also frustrated that no one wants you.

The shift in this poem is when he starts saying " oh isn't  there.. one kid that will buy this old sister". Because he is starting to get mad that no one want's you.

My opinion is that it is funny and cool because I bet a lot of brothers want to do this. I know I would if I had a annoying sister.

Yes of course I would recommend it to friends. especially ones with siblings.

I Must Remember By  Shel Silverstein

I must remember…
Turkey on Thanksgiving,
Pudding on Christmas,
Eggs on Easter,
Chicken on Sunday,
Fish on Friday,
Leftovers, Monday.
But ah, me – I am such a dunce.
I went and ate then all at once.

These are all of the things you have to remember for every holiday. But this guy is so weird instead of waiting. He ate all of it at once.

The feeling in this is... tired. The reason I say that is because I fell that he is tired of having to by all of these things on 6 different days. Instead he eats all of these things in one day.

The shift in this poem is when he says " but me...I eat it all at once ". He is changing it from when he was talking about all the food to what he did with those foods. He ate them all at once :  ).

My opinion on this poem is that it is funny because instead of waiting he just eats it all. Which I would do the same thing if I could. 

Yes I would recommend this ot my friends. But I would tell them about it as a joke... hehehe :   ). It is another very good poem written by Shel Silverstein.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Put Something In By Shel Silverstein

Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-gumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
‘Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain’t been there before.

Sometimes I just feel like doing crazy things. Kind of like what this poem say's. Maybe I want to draw a weird picture or dance crazy crazy crazy Maybe even paint a abstract picture. But do something that ain't been done before now that's a good idea.

The feelings in this poem to me are confidence and crazy. The reason I say confidence is because you have to be really confident to just start singing a weird song in front of people and crazy... because you have to be completely crazy to actually do it. Not just think it DO IT.

To be honest I cant find a shift in this poem maybe its when Shel Silverstein say's do something that ain't been done before because I bet a lot of people have made weird poems but not like you would wright weird poems. I think he's saying do stuff that been done before but by your own perspective how you would do it. because no one has done it your way.

My opinion on this poem... wow that hard I like so many things about it. I guess this poem just inspires me. inspires me to write to just say what I want do things my way that haven't been done before.

Let me be really clear with you, YES OF COURSE I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS TO A FRIEND. :) :) :)

Something Missing By Shel Silverstein

I remember I put on my socks,
I remember I put on my shoes.
I remember I put on my tie
That was printed
In beautiful purples and blues.
I remember I put on my coat,
To look perfectly grand at the dance,
Yet I feel there is something
I may have forgot—
What is it? What is it? . . .

This poem is talking about when you are getting ready you put every thing on. you look in the mirror. But somethings missing and you don't know what but when you walk out of the door and are 15 minutes away you remember.

The feelings in this poem are proud and frustrated. The reason I said proud is because he is all ready and proud of how good he look. On the other hand. Frustrated because he feels like he's forgetting something.

The shift is when he says " Yet I feel there is something I may have forgot " after he feel's so ready it turns into a worried feeling.

My opinion on this poem is that it is a good poem. Because a lot of us feel this way like we have forgotten something.

I think I would recommend it to friend it might give them a little... something to laugh about because I bet they have done it more than one time.

more pics

Forgotten Language by Shel Silverstein
Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
And shared a conversation with the housefly
in my bed.
Once I heard and answered all the questions
of the crickets,
And joined the crying of each falling dying
flake of snow,
Once I spoke the language of the flowers. . . .
How did it go?
How did it go?
I love love love this poem. There is a flower language that this kid spoke. He spoke with the flies the crickets and the caterpillar.
This poems feelings are frustrated and mad. The reason is because he forgot the language and now he can not speak with all of his friends.
The shift is when he says " how did it go how did it go " because he wants to remember the language he spoke with all of his little creature friends.
My opinion on this poem is that it is sweet that he talked to the animals. But sad that he forgot the language.
yes I would recommend this to friends because I would like to make a secrete language.

Rain by Shel Silverstein
I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.
This poem is very good. It is talking about a kid with water in his head. This kid has to walk very slowly because their is water in his head and he can not act the same.

The feelings in this poem are sad and depressed. The reason he is sad is because he is just sitting in his bed with water in his head. Also he is depressed because he can not do a handstand because he will overflow.

My opinion on this poem is that is is sad that the boy can not run can not do a hand stand. The poor boy can not have fun because he has rain/water in his head.

Yes I would recommend this to my friend because it is a good poem a heart felt poem. Also Its a poem worth sharing

Messy Room by Shel Silverstein
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

I think this poem is very interesting. Its like me when I don't want to cleever my room. You just put stuff where ever you want and it just piles and piles up. Then when you finally have to clean it its the worst disaster you've 

The feelings in this poem to me are surprised, astonished and guilty. The reason I say surprised is because he walks into this room and is so surprised to see how  messy it is. I say astonished because when he finds out it was his room he is...pretty astonished. Also guilty because of course its his room.

The shift is when he starts calling names "Donald or Robert or Willie or--" and then he finds out. That oops its him. Then I like it when he says " it looked familiar ".

I like this poem very much it helps me because right now I have to go and clean my room. Also I shouldn't be blaming things on other people when it could be me. Then I shouldn't be talking bad about people.

Yes I would recommend this poem  to my friends be cause a lot of them well... Just might have messy rooms     :  ) 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Pictures of shel silverstein and his books


Once there was a tree....
and she loved a little boy.
And everyday the boy would come
and he would gather her leaves
and make them into crowns
and play king of the forest.
He would climb up her trunk
and swing from her branches
and eat apples.
And they would play hide-and-go-seek.
And when he was tired,
he would sleep in her shade.
And the boy loved the tree....
very much.
And the tree was happy.
But time went by.
And the boy grew older.
And the tree was often alone.
Then one day the boy came to the tree
and the tree said, "Come, Boy, come and
climb up my trunk and swing from my
branches and eat apples and play in my
shade and be happy."
"I am too big to climb and play" said
the boy.
"I want to buy things and have fun.
I want some money?"
"I'm sorry," said the tree, "but I
have no money.
I have only leaves and apples.
Take my apples, Boy, and sell them in
the city. Then you will have money and
you will be happy."
And so the boy climbed upthe
tree and gathered her apples
and carried them away.
And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time....
and the tree was sad.
And then one day the boy came back
and the tree shook with joy
and she said, "Come, Boy, climb up my trunk
and swing from my branches and be happy."
"I am too busy to climb trees," said the boy.
"I want a house to keep me warm," he said.
"I want a wife and I want children,
and so I need a house.
Can you give me a house ?"
" I have no house," said the tree.
"The forest is my house,
but you may cut off
my branches and build a
house. Then you will be happy."

And so the boy cut off her branches
and carried them away
to build his house.
And the tree was happy.
But the boy stayed away for a long time.
And when he came back,
the tree was so happy
she could hardly speak.
"Come, Boy," she whispered,
"come and play."
"I am too old and sad to play,"
said the boy.
"I want a boat that will
take me far away from here.
Can you give me a boat?"
"Cut down my trunk
and make a boat," said the tree.
"Then you can sail away...
and be happy."
And so the boy cut down her trunk
and made a boat and sailed away.
And the tree was happy
... but not really.

And after a long time
the boy came back again.
"I am sorry, Boy,"
said the tree," but I have nothing
left to give you -
My apples are gone."
"My teeth are too weak
for apples," said the boy.
"My branches are gone,"
said the tree. " You
cannot swing on them - "
"I am too old to swing
on branches," said the boy.

I have always loved this poem. It is talking about a boy who goes to this tree every day.This tree that he goes to is always nice to him, because this tree loves the little boy.

The feelings in this are fun and funny. because when he went to see the tree he got to play. But when he got older he did not want to play he wanted money. Then when the man got even older he could not play.

The shift in this poem is when the little boy got older. When he did not want to play he wanted money. Then when he got older and he couldn't play.

I like this poem so very much because, the tree was always willing to give. The only time the tree didn't was when she had nothing to give.

Yes i would recommend this to a friend because it is all about giving and that is what friends do for each other they help and give.



Last night, while I lay thinking here,
some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
and pranced and partied all night long
and sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I'm dumb in school?
Whatif they've closed the swimming pool?
Whatif I get beat up?
Whatif there's poison in my cup?
Whatif I start to cry?
Whatif I get sick and die?
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me?
Whatif I don't grow talle?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
Whatif the fish won't bite?
Whatif the wind tears up my kite?
Whatif they start a war?
Whatif my parents get divorced?
Whatif the bus is late?
Whatif my teeth don't grow in straight?
Whatif I tear my pants?
Whatif I never learn to dance?
Everything seems well, and then
the nighttime Whatifs strike again!

Here it is talking about what if i can't do this what if I do that. But it only happens at night time. Also he doesn't just think about whatif he sings about whatif.

In the beginning he seems worried about all these what ifs. Also at the end he seems worried if the whatifs come again.

The shift is when he says every thing seems well and then he thinks about. If the what ifs strike again. Then he gets worried. 

My opinion in this poem is that its funny and has a really good humor. It is also a bit sad because some of the what ifs are things people have to go through. 

I wouldn't recommend this to all my friends because they might be going though these what ifs, it also might hurt their feelings. 



I made myself a snowball 
As perfect as could be.
I thought I'd keep it as a pet 
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas 
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first it wet the bed.

I like this poem very much. It is talking about a man who made a perfect snowball. This man made the snowball pajamas and a pillow so that the snowball could sleep with him. But when he woke up the next morning the snowball was gone and had melted.

The emotions and attitudes in this are exited. The reason he is exited is because ha made a perfect snowball. Another emotion is sad because the snow ball left.

The shift in this poem is at the end when it say's " then last night it ran away but first it wet the bed" you can tell that he is sad that it left.

I like this poem it is fun and kind of funny. I remember when we had a really bad snow storm in Seattle, Washington. I had found a big chunk of ice and I wanted to bring it in. But my mom said it would melt. I also like this because to me it is kind of using a metaphor by saying it wet the bed, instead of saying it melted.

Yes I would recommend this poem to my friends because I think that it is a good poem. I has some humor too. It also is a sweet and nice poem.