Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Put Something In By Shel Silverstein

Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-gumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
‘Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain’t been there before.

Sometimes I just feel like doing crazy things. Kind of like what this poem say's. Maybe I want to draw a weird picture or dance crazy crazy crazy Maybe even paint a abstract picture. But do something that ain't been done before now that's a good idea.

The feelings in this poem to me are confidence and crazy. The reason I say confidence is because you have to be really confident to just start singing a weird song in front of people and crazy... because you have to be completely crazy to actually do it. Not just think it DO IT.

To be honest I cant find a shift in this poem maybe its when Shel Silverstein say's do something that ain't been done before because I bet a lot of people have made weird poems but not like you would wright weird poems. I think he's saying do stuff that been done before but by your own perspective how you would do it. because no one has done it your way.

My opinion on this poem... wow that hard I like so many things about it. I guess this poem just inspires me. inspires me to write to just say what I want do things my way that haven't been done before.

Let me be really clear with you, YES OF COURSE I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS TO A FRIEND. :) :) :)


  1. HI im jade and i wrote this blog for school purposes and I think it is really fun to write a blog sorry about the URL i messed up by saying siverstein instead of silverstein pretty funny anyway bye

    - JADE

  2. wow i am the only one posting comments... and its my BLOG that's just weird...

