Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Must Remember By  Shel Silverstein

I must remember…
Turkey on Thanksgiving,
Pudding on Christmas,
Eggs on Easter,
Chicken on Sunday,
Fish on Friday,
Leftovers, Monday.
But ah, me – I am such a dunce.
I went and ate then all at once.

These are all of the things you have to remember for every holiday. But this guy is so weird instead of waiting. He ate all of it at once.

The feeling in this is... tired. The reason I say that is because I fell that he is tired of having to by all of these things on 6 different days. Instead he eats all of these things in one day.

The shift in this poem is when he says " but me...I eat it all at once ". He is changing it from when he was talking about all the food to what he did with those foods. He ate them all at once :  ).

My opinion on this poem is that it is funny because instead of waiting he just eats it all. Which I would do the same thing if I could. 

Yes I would recommend this ot my friends. But I would tell them about it as a joke... hehehe :   ). It is another very good poem written by Shel Silverstein.

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